
Nationalism and Fear

This is a message from me to you. Who I am doesn’t matter. Let’s talk about you. Your primary feature and the reason I’m sending you this message is that you’re resistant to change. You don’t stand for much. In fact, you don’t stand for anything else. You’re simply opposed to change and what it might bring. If you’re wondering why almost every single revolution in history failed, just look in the mirror.

What else do I know about you? Age is irrelevant and so is social class. You might be filthy rich or living paycheck to paycheck. Ignorance spans all classes, races, and ages. This brings me to my next point: you don’t have any kind of grasp on science. You don’t fact check the things you hear/read or even know how to. If the information is to your liking, you accept it. People like you exist in every continent, country, and city. It’s fair to assume that most of you consider yourselves religious when your grasp on religion is flawed at best.

People like you resist change not out of belief, but out of fear. You’re worried about losing what you have, even if you don’t have anything at all. You will believe all those who keep things the way they are even if you’re negatively impacted by them. They will make excuses and to you, these excuses will make sense. At some point, they will stop making excuses because they realize that they don’t have to. You’re loyal and ignorant enough to come up with them yourself. They don’t even have to try anymore, it’s too easy.

It’s hard for you to sympathize with others. What’s even more ridiculous is that it’s hard for you to sympathize with people whom you might end up like. You see thousands of people dying from a virus but that doesn’t matter to you. You’re healthy right now, aren’t you? The insight to look a week into the future doesn’t exist, therefore, any threat that exists beyond the next 5 minutes doesn’t exist either. Global warming must be a scam. Is it going to destroy your world in the next 5 minutes? No. It doesn’t exist. You will not limit or restrict anything you do for an invisible threat.

One thing I admire is your solidarity. People like you, all over the world, know how to come together. Your fear is too strong that it’ll keep you from budging or changing your stance. The rest of us try to work for a better future. We often try to create a better life not just for us, but for you too. Throughout history, you have made that impossible. The world stopped keeping score a long time ago because your resilience always beats our ambitions.

You believe yourself to be a nationalist while everyone else is a traitor. It’s hard to know whether or not you truly believe this. After all, there has to be some justification in your mind to your actions. Without the veil of nationalism or religion, you’d have to admit that you’re simply terrified. People like you don’t make history. No one is ever remembered for keeping things the way they are. You’re definitely remembered as a group though.

Whenever people tried to change their lives for the better, you were there. Whenever an emperor or king was removed, you were there to appoint another. From refusing to believe that the sun is the center of the universe to arguing that the Earth is flat and that vaccines kill children, you have been there from the very start. You’re part of a creed, the lowest of creeds.

Resisting change is not the natural order of the universe. Everything around us changes from one second to the next. Our bodies, the environment, the planet, and the entire universe are constantly shifting. Your actions and beliefs are not natural and they are not what God intended. Then again, what do you know about science, our bodies, the environment, and the universe?

The reason we, as humans, made it this far is thanks to small victories on our end and small defeats on yours. The planet could also withstand your persistence, resilience, and unparalleled “nationalism.”

That’s no longer the case. More people are afraid than ever before because it’s always easier to instill fear than ambition and a desire for progression. Your community grows while ours shrinks. The planet can no longer tolerate this ongoing battle. With every passing day, your victory is confirmed. Your victory will be our doom. The only way you get away with it is if someone on my side does something to save us. If that happens, you will gloat about how there was never anything to worry about. You knew things would be fine while all we did was overreact. It’s how you get away with anything.

You just have to understand that everyone knows you’re terrified. No one’s buying your act. You can raise your voice and become violent but we all know the truth. You also need to know that when we can longer save you, or save ourselves, it will be your fault and you will never be forgiven.


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